“/>Strange how memories can coincide with the present. The weather outside is reminiscent of another place and another winter that hold special memories.
January and February 1979 were particularly tough winter months in Milwaukee, WI. While some skied to work, I gave up trying to drive to work at Marquette University, instead riding the city bus. The streets were so impassable that drivers abandoned their stuck or incapacitated vehicles on the roadsides.
To keep the main arteries clear, tow trucks hauled the vehicles to the nearest impound. These yards quickly filled to the point that required forklifts to stack the vehicles one on top of the other, sometimes up to five vehicles deep. Old banger pick-ups without fenders piled on top of current year sports cars; heavy trucks on top of the family sedans.
And on March 1, in weather much like today, my son was born.
Thank you, Stephen, for all the warmth and joy you continue to bring to my life and the lives of those whom you touch.
© 2014 E.L. Kittredge