I believe that the drive to learn is one of the markers of our humanness. Because of that, I see learning as a basic human right, just as it is a life-long drive. There is an excitement in becoming part of someone’s quest for knowledge, of being honored as a guide, in being trusted to be part of the sharing that is part of every strong learning experience.
My teaching experiences include:
Developing and delivering programs to help artists become more sustainable in the business of art.
Building awareness of the importance of the creative cluster in the realm of micro-business.
Developing and teaching programs in the humanities
Leading sessions to build awareness of the importance of place in developing a way of knowing
A few examples of my experiences teaching are:
My Artrepreneurship Preparation, Idaho Commission on the Arts, Boise, Idaho (http://www.arts.idaho.gov)
Montana Artrepreneurship Preparation, Montana Arts Council, Helena, MT (http://www.art.mt.gov)
Introduction to Artrepreneurship, Hibbing College, Hibbing, MN (www.hcc.mnscu.edu)
Creative Arts Enterprise, Montana State University-Great Falls, Great Falls, MT (www.msugf.edu)
Humanities, Montana State University-Great Falls, Great Falls, MT; Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, AZ (www.scottsdalecc.edu); and Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI (www.alverno.edu)
Personal History Writing, Highlander Center, TN (www.highlandercenter.org); Mayo Hospital, Scottsdale, AZ; Phoenix College, Phoenix, AZ
Individual advising, Marquette University International Student Program, Milwaukee, WI (http://www.marquette.edu/oie/)
Individual instruction in preparing artists for the Kentucky Crafted Show (Louisville, KY,) http://kycraft.ky.gov/) and the ACRE show (Las Vegas, NV, www.acrelasvegas.com).
Informal instruction in the field, teaching about place, the land, conservation of open spaces and the heritage of the land, Cascade, MT.